Fakulta psychológie

Rozlúčka s Prof. Walterom Rennerom, PhD.

Prof. Walter Renner, PhD. worked at Faculty of Psychology of the Pan-European University as a professor from 2013 to his sudden death on October 19, 2018. He was an expert in the field of clinical psychology, psychology of health and traffic psychology. He worked as a certified psychotherapist with his own practice in Vienna, where he devoted himself especially to the neurofeedback method. At Faculty of Psychology at Paneuropean University in Bratislava he lectured clinical psychology, worked with students on their thesis and was a member of committee for PhD studies. Walter Renner worked professionally with refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers in Austria as a researcher, clinical psychologists and psychotherapist. The most of his publications focus on the psychological problems of people who have left their home. The topic itself represents Walter Renner’s personality – he was well-educated, thoughtful and a good man.

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